A campaign to promote DocuSign within our client’s organization.
**These images have been censored due to client NDA.
Our client was pursuing an internal shift to use DocuSign as their primary document workflow tool. This company wanted to launch a campaign to raise more awareness around this product and direct employees to begin using the features for everyday tasks.
My responsibility was to come up with the overall visual direction, and to create the necessary deliverables across all employee touchpoints.
I worked closely with the client and team of copywriters to research DocuSign’s products and create meaningful decisions around the visual look and feel. We outlined the hotspots of activity for employees and created a suite of marketing materials, including a landing page that would help guide and direct employees throughout this company shift.
The company was able to engage the majority of employees within the first couple months following the campaign launch, resulting in more secure and reliable document tracking scenarios.
Deliverables included:
- Landing page design with campaign information
- Email newsletter template
- Campus posters
- Digital Signage